Current status |
DPR approved by KIIFB on 06.08.2020 for an amount of Rs.53.09 Cr. LA to be taken up after getting approval of GAD from railways.
Project was pending due to Semi High Speed Rail project of KRDCL. On 06.12.2022, KRDCL had informed to go ahead with the construction of ROBs without considering the silver line alignment and RBDCK intimated the same to Railways on 08.12.2022. Railways directed to submit revised GAD for all ROBs long pending due to Silver line vide letter dated 14.03.2023.
Appointed the Consultancy M/s JH for the revision of GAD and alignment on 17.03.2023. LUS inspection conducted on 22.06.2023 and report received. GAD submitted to Railways on 11.12.2023. Railways raised some observation on 22.01.2024. As per that ,GAD revised and submitted to Railways on 17/02/2024. Reminder letter sent on 22.04.2024 ,04.06.2024 & 22.08.2024. GAD again revised for SV load & submitted by 04.11.2024. |