Current status |
DPR approved on 06.08.2020 for an amount of Rs.36.75 Cr. LA requisition will be submitted after the approval of GAD from Railways.
On submission of GAD, Railways informed that the work was deleted from Railway work plan. Hence requested Railways to include the work in Railway work plan on 24.08.2021. On 11.08.2023, Railways informed that the work is included in the railway work programme 2023-24. Appointed Consultant for GAD revision on 19.09.2023 and is under progress. Request Submitted to Railways for Joint Inspection for LUS on 11.10.2023. Joint Inspection conducted on 24.11.2023. GAD Submitted to Railways on 30.12.2023. Railways returned for modification on 23/02/2024. Revised GAD under preparation. Letter submitted to Railways for a meeting and GAD will be submitted after the meeting.
The Railways had informed that all the future ROB superstructures are to be designed for Special Vehicle Loading. RBDCK had already requested for RDSO drawings vide letters dated 14.03.2024, 06.05.2024 and 02.07.2024. Revised GAD submitted to Railways on 15.10.2024