
Iringal Mooradu ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.139/2020/PWD 03.02.2020 25
District Kozhikode
LAC Koyilandy
Project Details
Actual Start Date 03.02.2020
Project Management Consultant M/s Velcity Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 211-A
Railway (km) 706/200-300
Length Including Approaches NOT FINALISED
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 25
Funded By KIIFB
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 17 %
Current status Entrusted to RBDCK on 03.02.2020. For the preparation of DPR, LOA issued to M/s Velcity on 15.09.2020. Alignment Finalised. Draft DPR submitted by consultant and returned for correction. Project was pending due to Semi High Speed Rail project of KRDCL. On 06.12.2022, KRDCL had informed to go ahead with the construction of ROBs without considering the silver line alignment and RBDCK intimated the same to Railways on 08.12.2022. Railways directed to submit revised GAD for all ROBs long pending due to Silver line vide letter dated 14.03.2023. Instructed consultant M/s Velcity to proceed with DPR & GAD work. DPR submitted by consultant on 24.05.2023. Returned the same for corrections on 30.05.2023 & 11.06.2023. Directed the consultant to submit the corrected DPR by 16.06.2023. LUS inspection conducted on 04.07.2023 and report received. Draft DPR submitted on 10.07.2023, but returned for estimate correction. DPR after correction submitted by the consultant on 15.09.2023. Since the project is not mapped in PFMS hardcopy of the same was submitted on 19/09/2023 and requested KIIFB to map the project in PFMS on 23/11/2023. But no reply received. Hence requested Secretary PWD vide letter no RBDCK/T 303/Vol I/339 dated 27/01/2024 to do the needful to map the project in PFMS on 27/01/2024.Reminder letter sent on 23/04/2024 & 19/07/2024. The Railways had informed that all the future ROB superstructures are to be designed for Special Vehicle Loading. RBDCK had already requested for RDSO drawings vide letters dated 14.03.2024 and 06.05.2024. As per the above direction, all the pending GADs can be submitted only after the receipt of the RDSO drawings for Special Vehicle Loading.