Current status |
Vide GO. (Rt.) No. 1141/2022/PWD dated 21.11.2022, the Government of Kerala has appointed RBDCK Ltd. as the Implementing Agency for the Construction of ROB. RBDCK requested GoK for the sanctioning of Rs. 10 lakhs for the preparation of DPR on 02.12.2022. GoK accorded the AS for preparation of DPR at a cost of Rs.7 lakh+ 18% GST vide G.O.(Rt)No.109/2023/PWD dt. 03.02.2023. Appointed consultant M/s RITES for DPR preparation. Initial survey works started on 21.06.2023 and Concept Report submitted by M/s RITES on 10/10/2023 after the discussions conducted with MLA on 16/10/2023 & 28/10/2023 for the approval of concept report. Alignment report submitted by RITES and the same was approved on 25.10.2024. Traffic survey completed and soil investigation is in progress. |