
Edava ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.1324/2016/PWD 27.09.2016 15
Revised Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.132/2017/PWD 04.02.2017 35.69
District Thiruvananthapuram
LAC Varkala
Project Details
Actual Start Date 13.07.2017
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 555
Railway (km) 175/000-100
Length Including Approaches 596.90
Width of ROB 10.50
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 15
Revised AS Amount(crores) 35.69
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 25.23
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 82 %
Current status LA requisition submitted to District Collector, Thiruvananthapuram on 13.07.2017 and modified LA requisition submitted on 29.08.2018. 11(1) notification published on 28.11.2019. WP(C) 28008/2020 was filed by 12 petitioners against the alignment. 19(1) published on 16.11.2021. BVR approved on 20.01.2022. GAD approved by Railways on 15.12.2022. On 02.12.2022 Hon'ble High court stayed taking possession of 12 petitioners of WP(c) 28008/2020. Award passed for 69/69 cases as on 05.06.2023. Land possession is progressing. Taking possession of 51/69 completed on 27.05.2023. Instruction given to standing counsel to dispose the case. For 5 cases LAO has requested additional fund and the same was sanctioned on 10.07.2023. On 12.02.2024, Hon'ble HC disposed of the case, directing the district collector to "reconsider the matter after giving an oppurtunity of hearing to the petitioners" within 2 months. On 13.05.2024, the District Collector issued orders disopposing off the petitions and directed the Revenue dept. to complete the remaining LA works. On WP(C) 19439/2024 filed by Mrs Geetha S.R and others before Hon'ble HC of Kerala, the court stayed all orders for 1 month. Wahabuddin and 2 others filed yet another WP(c) 21115/2024 before the Hon'ble Highcourt of Kerala. The cases are under consideration by the Hon'ble court.