
Kodumanda ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
G.O. (Rt)No.1324/2016/PWD 27.09.2016 10
District Palakkad
LAC Pattambi
Project Details
Actual Start Date 17.05.2018
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 167
Railway (km) 593/800-900
Length Including Approaches 530 m
Width of ROB 10.15
GAD Status Approved
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 10
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 31.31
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 40 %
Current status LA requisition submitted on 17.05.2018. LAO appointed on 4.08.2018. Contingency charge of Rs. 6,26,750/- released to LAO on 05.04.2019. AS for LA received from revenue Department. SIA final report received and suggested an expert for forming expert committee. Since GAD not approved by Railways, LA was put on hold. Final GAD submitted to Railways on 22.02.2022. Reminder letter send on 30.06.2022. On 11.07.2022, Railway had given in-principle approval for starting the land acquisition. Accordingly the LA requisition submitted to Dist. Collector Palakkad on 24.12.2022. GAD approved by Railways on 31.01.2023. Boundary stone planting completed on 26.04.2023. Joint inspection conducted on 26.05.2023. Contigency charge released to LAO. Public hearing completed. Expert committe meeting completed on 18.07.2024