
Mayyanad ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO (Rt)No.942/2017/PWD 10.07.2017 50
District Kollam
LAC Eravipuram
Project Details
Actual Start Date 24.12.2018
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 551
Railway (km) 163/900-164/000
Length Including Approaches 386.00
Width of ROB 10.20
GAD Status Not approved
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 50
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 25.945
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 60 %
Current status DPR approved by KIIFB on 26.10.2018. LA Taking Possession Completed on 21.12.2023. Land transfer of 0.77 Are of Vellamanal HSS is under process by PWD & Higher Education department. Revised GAD submitted and P & E Charges deposited to Railways on 11.05.2023. GAD approved by Railways on 10.01.2024. Vide letter dated 26.04.2024, Railway has accorded approval to entrust RBDCK for execution on single entity basis. RBDCK requested Railways to inform the amount to be deposited to Railways on 26.06.20204. Estimate submitted to TS committee on 09.07.2024.