
Nangiarkulangara ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.718/2018/PWD 19.04.2018 22.51
District Alappuzha
LAC Haripad
Project Details
Actual Start Date 14.08.2019
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 128
Railway (km) 89/600-700
Length Including Approaches 550.99
Width of ROB 10.20
GAD Status Approved
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 22.51
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 37.28
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 1 %
Current status DPR approved by KIIFB on 28.06.2019 for an amount of Rs.37.28 Cr. LA Requisition submitted to DC on 07.08.2019. On 11.07.2022, Railway had given in-principle approval for starting the land acquisition. GAD approved by Railways on 16.03.2023. 6(1) notification published on 26.07.2022. Boundary stone planting completed and joint site inspection conducted on 17.09.2022. Contigency charge of Rs. 48 lakhs released to LAO. 4(1) notification published on 21.11.2022. 11(1) notification published on 03.08.2023. Survey works in progress. Valuation of structures completed by RBDCK and submitted to LAO.