
Vallapuzha ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
G.O. (Rt)No.771/2018/PWD 27.04.2018 22.66
District Palakkad
LAC Pattambi
Project Details
Actual Start Date 16.08.2019
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 4
Railway (km) 10/300-400
Length Including Approaches 423.13
Width of ROB 10.20
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 22.66
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 23.28
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 10 %
Current status DPR Approved on 28.06.2019 for an amount of Rs23.28 Cr. LA requisition submitted on 16.08.2019 and AS for LA received from Revenue Department on 17.09.2019. Land taken possession was completed on 27.02.2023. GAD was approved in 2014. But on 29.03.2023, Railway had directed to revise the GAD by adopting RDSO standard span of 30m. Hence revised final GAD & Alignment submitted to Railways on 17.05.2023. Railway recommended some modification and the same was submitted on 23.01.2024. GAD approved on 01.04.2024. The estimate for TS committe submitted on 19.07.2024.