
Pavangad ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO (Rt) No.1326/2013/PWD 09.10.2013
Revised Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO (Rt) No.1098/2019/PWD 05.09.2019 10.3
District Kozhikode
LAC Kozhikode North
Project Details
Actual Start Date 23.02.2018
Project Management Consultant KITCO Ltd
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No Nil
Railway (km) 672/300 - 400
Length Including Approaches 303.00
Width of ROB 8.50
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
Revised AS Amount(crores) 10.3
Funded By Govt Funded
Project Outlay(crores) 10.3
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 70 %
Current status Land acquistion completed on 16.01.2023. The existing AS was for an amount of Rs. 10.30 Cr based on DSR 2016. Hence, Request submitted to Secretary PWD for the revised AS on 14.07.2022 for an amount of Rs. 12.82 crores (based on DSR 2018). Secretary PWD enquired some clarifications and reply for the same was submitted on 02.12.2022, 04.01.2023, 14.02.2023 & 07.06.2023. Letter enquired some clarifications received from GoK on 01.02.2024 and reply for the same is submitted on 07/02/2024. Revised AS from GoK received (GO (Rt) No 674/2024/PWD dated 04.07.2024. Appointed M/s RITES for the design of Pavangad ROB.