
Azhiyur ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.718/2018/PWD 19.04.2018 22.51
District Kozhikode
LAC Vatakara
Project Details
Actual Start Date 19.04.2018
Project Management Consultant ISA
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 218
Railway (km) 722/300-400
Length Including Approaches 403 m
Width of ROB 10.2 m
GAD Status Not Approved
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 22.51
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 29.28
Work Progress Details
Physical progress 75 %
Current status DPR approved by KIIFB on 10.02.2020 for an amount of 29.28 Cr. Project was pending due to Semi High Speed Rail project of KRDCL. On 06.12.2022, KRDCL had informed to go ahead with the construction of ROBs without considering the silver line alignment and RBDCK intimated the same to Railways on 08.12.2022. Railways directed to submit revised GAD for all ROBs long pending due to Silver line vide letter dated 14.03.2023. Appointed the Consultancy M/s JH for the revision of GAD and alignment on 17.03.2023. Revision of GAD under process. LUS inspection conducted on 04.07.2023 and report received. Revised GAD submitted on 27.09.2023. GAD returned by Railways with some comments on 17.11.2023. Revised GAD submitted on 27.02.2024. The Railway GAD was on hold due to SV loading issues. In the meeting convened on 08.10.2024, CAO/RSP had instructed some modifications and instructed to resubmit the GADs. Revision of GAD is under process and will be submitted within 15 days.