
Uduma ROB


General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO (Rt)No.718/2018/PWD 19.04.2018 22.51
District Kasargod
LAC Udma
Project Details
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No 281
Railway (km) 831/700-800
Length Including Approaches 358.00 m
Width of ROB 10.20 m
GAD Status Not Approved
No of Lanes 2
Financial Details
AS Amount(crores) 22.51
Funded By KIIFB
Project Outlay(crores) 36.56
Work Progress Details
Current status DPR approved by KIIFB on 11.02.2020 for an amount of Rs.36.556 Cr. GAD approved by Railways on 16.03.2024. LA plan prepared and requisition submitted to District Collector on 02.05.2024. Quotation invited for boundary stone planting.