
Feroke ROB

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General Details
Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.454/2017/PWD 31.03.2017 19.01
Technical Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
RBDCK/T 177/TS-06/2020-21 18.02.2021 3.43
Revised Administrative Sanction Order Number Dated Amount(crores)
GO(Rt)No.1010/2021/PWD 19.11.2021 20.26
District Kozhikode
LAC Beypore
Project Details
Completion Date
Funding Govt Funded
Category Road Over Bridges
LC No Nil
Railway (km) 653/9 - 654/0
Length Including Approaches 650m
Width of ROB 7.50m
No of Lanes 2
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